Thursday, June 3, 2010

A little R&R

I think one of the hardest things about adjusting to JVC was going from the college student lifestyle of 4 months of vacation a year to 10 days. Which would've been the case with any job,but nevertheless was a transition.

This past week I took 4 of my vacation days and went home to Virginia. I flew in as the sun was setting, and the pink light illuminated the tall cumulus nimbus. It occurred to me how few people ever get to see this view, the world above the clouds. When I landed at 8:30, the sun had already set and it was dark out. I realized that I had gotten used to the Montanan sun's habit of not setting till almost 10. Oh, this psuedo-Alaskan state.

(I pause here to complain about my work computer. It's so old that the mousepad keeps screwing up and I can barely type a sentence without it highlighting and deleting the last phrase I typed. GAH!)

On Sunday, it was my grandmother's birthday and we celebrated with brunch. After that was a bike ride and I realized that I really need to do a little more pointed training for this ride in July.

The rest of the week was lounging in my parent's hot tub, sitting on the back porch, going on bike rides. And of planning. Met with the photographer, florist, baker, hairstylist. Plus got a few other to-dos done.

Then it was off to Baltimore for a cousin's wedding and to see the family. The little ones are growing up, as most everyone tends to do. It was fun to see my parents' old stomping grounds, and to eat some good seafood. Montana's not known for its crabcakes. But the one I had in Baltimore was quite wonderful.

The week went by quickly and then it was back to the wild blue!

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