Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's coming...

Official forecast:

Rain and snow this evening, becoming all snow overnight. Low 27 F. Winds N at 5 miles an hour. Chance of precip 80%. About one inch of snow expected.

I must say, I am NOT ready for the snow. I think I could almost deal with it if I was doing JVC Alaska or something. But this is no exotic location - its just another town in the lower 48. And the paper, by the way, is calling for a low of 8 tonight. It's OCTOBER, for Pete's sake!

Well, at the very least, I'm sleeping inside tonight. We had someone drop off a huge donation of socks and hats tonight, which is great, because it'll be our first below freezing night of the season.

I'm excited about October. I love pumpkins and squash, football and cider. I love sunny crisp days. But here's it gone from sunny and warm to cloudy and chilly. It will be a long winter coming up, so despite the cold, I'm trying to enjoy every ounce of the outdoors I can until winter!

(As I'm typing this, a client just offered to take me duck hunting. He said all you need is a loaf of bread and a golf putter. WHACK!)

The upstairs smells heavily of urine. I should go upstairs to check and see if the clients who I assume wet themselves are awake, but....


two cents said...

Are you kidding? 8 degrees? Do you have some long johns?

Unknown said...

Jackie I've been way behind on my reading. I am jealous of your snow...will trade you our warm weather happily! I hear from Gramma and Grampa that things are well for you...will catch up soon. I hope we see you at Thanksgiving or another time asap!! Miss you!!

Aunt Meredith

Shelley Devereaux said...

I love fall, and I love fall lasting for a while. Snow can wait.