Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas is coming

Last week, when the temperatures thankfully and finally rose out of the single digits, and we had our first true winter snow, we also had our Christmas party! The theme was "Ugly Christmas Decoration," so we told people they had decorations they would like to get rid of (eg singing Santas) we would take them. Surprisingly few people gave us "ugly" decorations, and instead gave us beautiful ornaments that they were no longer using. Which we used to decorate our truly Charlie Brown tree. (I'll put up a picture soon). We had chili and cider, plus many delicious goodies people brought. We ate like queens for the rest of the week!

In other Christmas party news, the Salcido held its first anniversary party last Friday. We had volunteers come decorate, during which a fight broke out and law enforcement arrived. Luckily for them they had just stepped out for a few and were gone till after the police left. But the party went off with out a hitch. It had been a long week, what with the fight, a man trying to commit suicide, other dramatic events and much party preparation. But the place looked lovely with Christmas lights and trees. Plus the Poverello cooked a delicious lunch!

This past weekend I took a break from Christmas parties and went to Great Falls with John. It was great to see his family, relax, and (of course) eat well. It'll be sad to be away from my home on Christmas, so it was nice to get some(one's) family time in.

This is what my holiday will look like:
12/22: Work
12/23: Off! Cleaning, relaxing, and no baking because our house is full of treats.
12/24: Work, Christmas Eve dinner at a retired couple's house who we are friends with.
12/25: Work, half day. Probably lunch at the Pov, then Christmas movies, dinner, wine, and chocolate with my roommates.
12/26: Work
12/27: Liana, a friend from college comes in to town! We will probably go cross country skiing.

So yes, I'm working, but I think I will have a perfectly lovely time.

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