Friday, December 4, 2009


1 car, 3 planes, and 2 buses I made it from Virginia back to Missoula in less than 15 hours. Beats the heck out of a covered wagon.

Thanksgiving was a nice reprieve from work, as well as the cold. It was in the upper 60s in Virginia, and now its a high in the teens. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. A little too much like Christmas. I don't mind the cold too much, to be honest. And it's tough to mind keeping the house at 62 when I know I have clients sleeping outside. You do have to get creative with ways to stay warm when you are in JVC Northwest. Tips we've learned:

Tea. It warms inside out. Eskimos actually drink lots of tea to stay warm.
Microwave a bag of beans or rice in a pillow case or something like that. It's great to sleep with at night.
Flannel sheets are WAY warmer than regular cotton.

1 comment:

two cents said...

Agree about the tea. Drinkin' some of that Montana Gold now