Saturday, January 23, 2010


I'm just curious...I know there is a link to my blog on the website. I was wondering if anyone is reading this who is considering joining JVC, or interested in JVC Northwest. Let me know! I'd love to answer any questions you might have.


NJCollura said...

Hi Jackie,
Yes, I have just read your blog! I'm a JV serving in San Antonio, TX, and am considering applying for another year because I'm enjoying the experience so much. I was thinking of applying to JVC NW because after a year in an urban environment, I'd be curious to try something more rural/remote. Bethel, Alaska, caught my eye, but so have other placements up there. If I had questions for you as a 2nd-year JV who is serving in the Northwest, would it be ok if I let you know? Thanks very much! Your blog, by the way, is quite wonderful.

Jackie said...

Sure! Just send me an e-mail: jedevereaux[@]