Monday, January 4, 2010

It's so cold in Montana that...

1. I've not worn long underwear twice in the past month.

2. The steam that comes out of my thermos freezes into ice crystals on the lid.

3. The local lingerie store features a mannequin wearing a sweater and a scarf.

4. The lowest temperature recorded in the lower 48 was recorded in Montana. (-70F!)

5. The newspaper always features ads for "remote start keys" so you can start your car before you leave your house.

6. We open the dining room in the shelter for people to sleep in when it gets in the 20s, regardless of capacity.

7. Ice forms on the inside (inside!) of our windows when it gets in the teens or below. Literally, one of our bedroom windows was completely covered with ice.

8. According to Wikipedia, the name for Missoula comes for the Salish word for the Clark Fork River, which means "Place of freezing water."

Only 6 more months to spring!

[Full disclosure: That picture was taken in BC, not Montana. But..close enough.]


Shelley Devereaux said...

you need to get the JVs to use your community money to invest in a sauna. trust me.

have you gone back to Spokane yet? What is the weather like there?

two cents said...

Right now: Pembroke 19 degrees
Missoula 32 degrees

We win.

Meredith said...

Oh my...and we think it's cold here. Well, it is cold. Just not Montana cold (and your uncle Matt uses paper napkins to fill the cracks in the weather stripping on the door. So, not so toasty!)

Your yarn is packed up btw and hopefully I will get it to the post office tomorrow!!

Jackie said...

Missoula: 14
Pembroke: 28

Take that! Low -2 tonight.

Shelley Devereaux said...

DC: -9