Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day in the Life of a JV, Tuesday

My housemates might hate me for this, but I love having Tuesdays off. It's like a little extra gift, Monday night, thinking "Oh yeah...I don't have to go to work tomorrow!" It's as if I have a snow day once a week. Of course, I'm not as grateful on Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

But this Tuesday was a particularly good Tuesday, if I say so myself.

9:00 Slept in and bummed around. Enjoyed a cup of tea.
10:00 Had some quiet time. I've been reading the book of Tobit because it kept turning up in the marriage prep materials. Good story.
11:00 Got ready, ran to catch the bus.
12:00 Met Bridget, our support person, for lunch at the Catalyst. It was pretty good.
1:00 Caught the bus to good will.
1:30 Found: a new shirt from Target ($4.00), a flannel shirt half off ($2.00), a box of Pirates of the Caribbean valentines with tattoos!
3:00 John came over so that we could take pictures for our "Save the Date" cards.
4:00 Realized we'd need someone else to take the pictures. Went to bug Jen at work.
6:00 Back home, heated up a big old plate of leftovers.
7:00 The Biggest Loser! I don't know why we watch this show, but we do.
7:30 Decided to make cinnamon raisin bread. Misread the directions and didn't see there were 3 separate risings, so I didn't realize how late I'd be up!
8-11: Hung out with housemates, baked, etc.
11:30 Woke Karen up with the smell of cinnamon raisin bread. I thought it was the smoke that woke her up, since the cinnamon filling spilled over onto my oven and burnt. But it was good, and well worth it. Our oven needs cleaned anyway. One day...


Meredith said...

Hey Jackie...always good to see how your are spending your days and glad you have some good downtime too. I can't wait for "save the date" . When is the date? I gotta mark the calendar!! Have a great weekend.

Shelley Devereaux said...

you watch the biggest loser? weird